Scott Cecchin Reads an Excerpt of HOUSE

Scott Cecchin and audience at HOUSE launch in Peterborough on October 27, 2022.





Then the hallways multiplied.
Your aunt was there, wandering,
a book held

in her hands. She’d sewn patterns
into the pages, but many were still

She approached you,
urgently: “I need help
with this one,”

she said, pointing
to the book—at which point you
left the dream.

And she’s still there, wandering. She clutches
the book to her chest, pressing it into her-
self. The roof

is leaky, and she knows what wetness will do
to the pages. The pages were born
from water,

and they want to go home; she knows the book will
betray her if she lets go. She holds it
tighter. The book

and her body are so close
to each other,


To purchase a copy of House or any of our chapbooks visit our shop.

Scott Cecchin (pronounced “ch-keen”) is a poet living on Traditional Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg Territory, in Nogojiwanong / Peterborough, ON. Currently, he teaches Communications and studies Ecological Restoration. His first chapbook, Dusk at Table (2020), was published by O. Underworld! Press in Havelock, ON.