“In Jami Macarty’s The Whole Catastrophe, every asterisk indicates something precious. Macarty uses the poetic form to create space for what is otherwise omitted: the fresh air outside car windows, the stars blotted out by city infrastructures, a friend gone too soon. Chronicling a road trip to the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico, Macarty reflects on fragility, greed and the disasters we must withstand, from toxic feedlots to carbon monoxide poisoning.
RECURRING AWAKENING by FRANZ WRIGHT “Franz wrote fearlessly about mental illness, addiction, and loneliness, as well as about faith and the unending beauty of his world, no matter how broken; he never wrote a line that wasn’t fiercely important to him, musical, as witty as it was deadly serious. Franz lived for poetry—at times it seemed […]
Karen Solie | DUST
Returning home from evening mass
in the big car,
they were like canal boats then
sliding through the loose gravel, in the back seat
she pushed my cuticles up
with a silver file not unpainfully
Babyn, Manoli, Solomon | Vallum Chapbook Award FINALIST
from Show and Tell, a collaborative chapbook by André Babyn, Sasha Manoli, and Misha Solomon, a collective finalist in the Vallum Chapbook Award contest for 2023
Zak Jones | Vallum Chapbook Award FINALIST
from Tinderbox by Zak Jones, a finalist in the Vallum Chapbook Award contest for 2023
Medrie Purdham | Vallum Chapbook Award FINALIST
from The Solve by Medrie Purdham, a finalist in the Vallum Chapbook Award contest for 2023
Maya Clubine | Vallum Chapbook Award FINALIST
from Life Cycle of a Mayfly by Maya Clubine, a finalist in the Vallum Chapbook Award contest for 2023
Karan Kapoor | Vallum Chapbook Award FINALIST
from a short history of longing by Karan Kapoor, a finalist in the Vallum Chapbook Award contest for 2023
Alicia Byrne Keane | Vallum Chapbook Award FINALIST
from Basement Bedroom by Alicia Byrne Keane, a finalist in the Vallum Chapbook Award contest for 2023