how quickly the past has burned
with throttle and forgotten fire
with lifelines and bloodlines and scalding astronomy
how dense the eyes of the mind
thick to the tongue, sweetening of shadow
and raw as yew bark, peeled free with fingernails
or the plying of a rusty pocket knife
how vast and empty the shallows of the universe
two pebbles tumbling together
under the stark-thick murmur of the tide;
the fear of waves, the hum of galaxies with endless depth
how succinctly the continents collide
shore to shore one broken thing to another
Author’s Bio
PHILIP GORDON is a creative writing student from Vancouver Island, an editor of the literary magazines Ash Tree Journal and Text (launching in September 2014), and reader for PANK. His work has been published in The Puritan, The YOLO Pages, theNewerYork, (parenthetical) and in numerous other places. philip is a sex-positive pansexual feminist, lover of shades, and proponent of the Oxford Comma. He can be stalked at and