Anthony Labriola | THRIFT


Thrift, thrift. Will’s word for speed, acceleration,
………. tempo of betrayal, the time it takes

to hasten ambition, poison your brother,
………. marry his widow, speed up accession.

Thrift is the itchy finger on the trigger,
………. split-second timing of do or die, blink

of an assassin’s eye—thrifty shutter speed
………. in the quick ending of a hasty beginning.


Author’s Bio

ANTHONY LABRIOLA’s work has appeared in PRISM international, Vallum: Contemporary Poetry, Stone Voices, and Still Point and Passion: Poetry. He has two poetry collections: The Rigged Universe (Shanti Arts Publishing), and Sun Dogs (Battered Suitcase Press). His prose works include Devouring the Artist and The Pros & Cons of Dragon- Slaying (Anaphora).