Myna Wallin | NOT MY FAULT


subway trains screeching
Homer’s sirens shrieking
can’t stop obsessive thoughts
tackling other thoughts
someone pushing random buttons

brain glitches
chemicals reconfiguring
flashes cosmic insight
memory lapses
onslaught of sensory input

thoughts of arson      self-annihilation
masochist streaks of fasting, insomnia
sustaining oneself      absurd
dressing carefully
to cover up strangeness

overwhelming urges to buy shoes
jewellery    paintings   pianos    lingerie
everything unaffordable
providing a high
temporary relief
from overloading circuitry

with epival   risperdal   halidol
the dolls make me drool   unspool
lying on the cool kitchen floor
finally falling asleep

Author’s Bio

Myna Wallin is a Toronto author with three published books: A Thousand Profane Pieces, poems (Tightrope Books, 2006), Confessions of a Reluctant Cougar, a novel (Tightrope Books, 2010), and Anatomy of An Injury, poems (Inanna Publications, 2018). Myna’s poem “Resurrections” was selected for the 2018 League of Canadian Poets’ Poem in Your Pocket Day.