— a heresy of lost seconds
In the beginning, the genesis I fathom:
two explosions, the two not quite coming
at once; actually (except in Hollywood)
more likely a big bang and seconds later another
ignited by the first but needing twice the
duration to, as it were, to come
—the second explosion forestalled,
perhaps not completing at all. Even if by some
miracle the two went off perfectly timed, the second,
lasting longer is statistically left (off-stage) longing….
This fundamental equation, a calculus of creation
and experiential aftershocks, construes, elucidates,
both inner and outer space, billions and billions of years
right down to these moments of creation
round this race track of a universe; as we toy
with the math, jiggering the odds creatively
—colliding asteroids, sun spots, starlets exploding—
in a world on fire with less-than-perfect photo finishes.
Author’s Bio
LELAND JAMES, nominated for the 2014 Pushcart Poetry Prize, is the author of three books of poetry.
He has been published in over fifty journals and magazines worldwide, including The South Carolina Review, The Spoon River Poetry Review, New Millennium Writings, and The London Magazine. He has won numerous international poetry competitions.