Daniel Goodwin | SPEED


Saint Senna saw God, so he said,
as he zipped around the track
at 300 km/hr. Slipped beyond
design constraints, was a genius

in the rain, this Brazilian bad boy
not from the wrong side of town
but the wrong hemisphere. Trashtalked
with his motor mouth,

showing up the Europeans
at their sport on slick courses
that, like their history, turned
and twisted. Brought to mind

Henry James who once defined
speeding on a country road
toward a medieval cathedral
as happiness.


Author’s Bio

DANIEL GOODWIN is a poet, novelist, and corporate communicator living in Calgary. His poems and essays have appeared in several Canadian publications, including Literary Review of Canada, The Globe and Mail, and The Antigonish Review. His first book of poems, Catullus’ Soldiers, will be released by Cormorant in the spring 2015. His first novel, Sons and Fathers, (Linda Leith Publishing) is being published in September 2014.