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Who are we?

Vallum is home to some of the best poets writing today. For over 15 years, Vallum has been Montreal’s leading English-language contemporary poetry magazine. Our contributors have won Pushcart Prizes and National Magazine Awards for the work they’ve published within our pages.

Who reads Vallum?

Writers, poetry lovers, students, teachers, and more. We are circulated in Canadian libraries and are enjoyed by people of all age groups, from teenagers to retirees. We are an international magazine with a majority Canadian readership and 30 – 40% American readership.

Circulation: 1,200

Why advertise with us?

Vallum is more than just a magazine. The Vallum Society for Education in Arts and Letters, of which Vallum: Contemporary Poetry is a part, is a federally incorporated charity that hosts poetry writing workshops for underserved communities through its Poetry for Our Future! outreach program. Our goal is to promote literacy, literary appreciation, and an awareness of contemporary poetry through poetic composition.



To purchase ad space or set up an ad swap:

5038 Sherbrooke West
P.O. Box 23077 CP Vendome Station
Montreal, Quebec H4A 1T0, Canada