Alex Starr | WHORLD


It is a serious
to be
able to
another’s perception
of reality even
if only for
a few moments
those few moments
can seed whole
new chains
of events whole
new people
like a gust
of wind budging
a ship a fraction
of a degree
in some other
which leads
to completely
different islands
two completely
different worlds

Author’s Bio

Alex Starr is a writer in the San Francisco Bay Area. Alex’s poems have been published in Lunch Ticket, Zoetic Press, The Write Launch, and Meat for Tea: The Valley Review. Prior recognitions include the Dorothy Sugarman Prize in Poetry, George Harmon Coxe Award in Fiction, and Barnes Shakespeare Essay Prize from the Cornell University English Department. Alex holds a B.A. in Philosophy/English from Cornell and Oxford where he co-led the Mansfield College Poetry Society.