A Conversation With Frankie Barnet | Interview by Rosie Long Decter

Frankie Barnet is a Montreal-based writer. Her debut graphic novel, Kim: A Novel Idea, is an auto-fictional blend of real-world pain and celebrity fantasy that tells the story of a grad student trying to make sense of an online world and her own stubborn sadness. Protagonist Frankie spends her days scrolling Kardashian Instagrams, reading about sexual violence on social media, trying to help her boyfriend process the loss of his father, and talking to her vicious but infinitely wise cat Catman.

A Conversation with Jason Camlot, Author of CANLIT ACROSS MEDIA: UNARCHIVING THE LITERARY EVENT | Interview by Rosie Long Decter

A Conversation with Jason Camlot Author of CANLIT ACROSS MEDIA: UNARCHIVING THE LITERARY EVENT Interview by Rosie Long Decter Jason Camlot is a Montreal-based poet and an English professor at Concordia University. Over the course of his formidable career, he’s published four poetry collections and several academic texts. Camlot’s scholarly research ranges from Victorian literary […]