QUICKNESS 1. let there be bears when you need bears and quickness like with rocks something that says watch 2. let there be quickness like with bears let the past arrive when you need sky like a wrist let the future 3. let the bears let the quickness let the rocks the sky let the […]
PERCENTAGES I’m 100% sure that I’m not 100% sure who I am. I’m 78% sure that I’m not a good person. I’m 75% sure that I’m not a bad person. I’m 82% sure that my favourite colour is blue. I’m 100% sure that I’ve never used needle drugs, but I’m 100% sure that I’ve thought […]
DANGEROUS DRIVING ………. I clocked you on the verge as I dawdled in the slow lane— …. knew I shouldn’t stop but slowed and rolled my window down— ……………………. you pulled out sharp ………. your bumper glancing mine. …. Now my heart’s a demented engine: It brakes at green lights ….. speeds up at red […]
philip gordon | THESE BODIES, SOMEHOW
THESE BODIES, SOMEHOW how quickly the past has burned with throttle and forgotten fire with lifelines and bloodlines and scalding astronomy how dense the eyes of the mind thick to the tongue, sweetening of shadow and raw as yew bark, peeled free with fingernails or the plying of a rusty pocket knife how vast and […]
Paul-Georges Leroux | TANKA
TANKA Sous l’oeil vif-argent Tes pensées s’accélèrent Fresques zébrées d’or Crépitent soudain Tes paroles Perséides Author’s Bio PAUL-GEORGES LEROUX has published poetry and short stories. As a screenwriter, he has written and co-written both documentaries and fictions. He has lived in Iceland, France, and Greece. His poems appeared in poetry magazines such as Mouvances, […]
Lesley Battler | CLOUD
CLOUD …………………… like a metaphysician …………………… on call, the cloud scales to meet your unique business ………. needs, no matter where you sit ………………………… in the celestial …………………………………………….. org chart curls range from kinky to soft ringlets. whether ………. you’re black white Asian …………………… Latin Mediterranean ………. or any glorious combo of the above, there […]
THE CULTURAL BOOK OF THE DEAD — for James Dean The little bastard speeds into the canon …. An icon cloned on postage stamps ….On posters Transfiguration of a fan-fuelled self-absorption ….A leather jacket stoned on youth ….brooding fast-forwarding ….You know the reaching for a six-pack, the remote A script the cause for grief The […]
Jim Fisher | PRIME MOVER
PRIME MOVER Teapot Dome North of Casper, near the seeps Of crude at Powder Spring That brought the early wildcatters West into Wyoming Speeding over drilling fields Where oil and water meet In pools beneath the horsehead pumps Lifting on the downbeat Up ahead a hundred feet A kiting bird of prey Pale wings flashing, […]
Jacob Scheier | NOTE
NOTE After we met I emailed you and asked if you wanted to have coffee with me and give me advice about finding an apartment in New York since you had recently moved there but you never responded because I think you assumed the apartment thing was just an excuse to see you again and […]